Unlocking Success Through Strategic Networking: A Conversation with B.D Dalton

Discover True Gravity with B.D Dalton, a master of strategic networking. Learn to refine your network, leverage paid masterminds, and thrive in business through his podcast, Grow, Sell, and Retire.

The Journey of an Entrepreneur and Author

B.D's entrepreneurial journey began in 2002 when he ventured from the US to the UK to set up an office for Edward Jones, a renowned financial advice company. However, in 2009, during the global financial crisis, Edward Jones closed its UK operations, leaving B.D to navigate a new path as an entrepreneur. Facing personal and professional challenges, including the loss of a trusted colleague and family health issues, B.D realised the importance of a strong network.

The True Gravity Model: Navigating Your Network

In response to the challenges he faced, B.D developed the True Gravity model—a method to measure and optimise one's network. Central to this model is understanding your purpose, values, and the type of people you want to surround yourself with. B.D emphasises the significance of aligning with individuals who share your journey, values, and energy levels.

Building Meaningful Connections

B.D's approach to networking goes beyond superficial connections. He emphasises the need to forge deep, meaningful relationships based on mutual trust, shared values, and a common drive for growth. This involves evaluating your network regularly, identifying key traits in valuable connections, and being willing to part ways with those who no longer align with your goals.

Masterminding for Success

B.D also highlights the value of mastermind groups and paid communities in fostering collaboration, idea exchange, and support. These groups provide a structured environment for like-minded individuals to share insights, address challenges, and propel each other forward.

Continuous Learning and Growth

Throughout his journey, B.D emphasises the importance of continuous learning, adaptation, and growth. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals to seek new experiences, learn from diverse perspectives, and constantly refine their networks to fuel success.

Connect with B.D Dalton

If you're inspired by B.D's insights and want to learn more about unlocking the power of your network, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or explore his podcast and resources on Rockfine.co.uk. B.D's wealth of experience and expertise in networking, entrepreneurship, and leadership make him a valuable mentor and guide for anyone on the path to success.


Q: How did B.D become an entrepreneur and author? A: He came to the UK from the US in 2002 to set up an office for Edward Jones and later started their own business.

Q: What is the concept of "true gravity" mentioned by B.D? A: "True gravity" is a concept from B.D's book, which involves reaching out to others and pulling them in without even knowing them.

Q: What is the importance of warm introductions in networking? A: B.D discusses the benefits of warm introductions and how they can lead to valuable connections.

Q: How does B.D suggest evaluating one's network regularly? A: B.D suggests regularly assessing one's network and ending relationships with certain individuals who may not be a good fit for personal growth.

Q: What is the significance of understanding one's purpose in building a successful network? A: B.D emphasises the importance of understanding one's personal motivations and aligning them with their network-building goals.

Q: How does B.D suggest finding like-minded individuals for networking? A: B.D suggests finding individuals who are a little "crazy" like oneself and share a growth mindset for better networking.

Q: What is the concept of "true gravity" in relation to networking? A: "True gravity" refers to the ability to reach out and connect with others, even without personal acquaintance, by aligning stories and values.

Q: How does B.D define "syzygy" in the context of networking? A: "Syzygy" is when three celestial bodies work together to create a gravitational pull. B.D relates this concept to the power of collaboration in networking.

Q: What does B.D mention about the breakdown of trust in acquiring clients? A: B.D discusses the breakdown of trust and the need for a validation layer in acquiring clients.

Q: How does B.D suggest evaluating potential business partnerships?A: B.D suggests evaluating potential partners based on their alignment with one's client base and considering their life journey.

Q: How can one identify their top connections on LinkedIn quickly? A: B.D suggests that one can identify top connections on LinkedIn in as little as 15 minutes.

Q: How does B.D suggest forming partnerships with new people? A: B.D suggests reaching out to new people, referred to as "comets," who may bring high energy and leave a lasting impact.

Q: How does B.D recommend finding partners who can serve clients well? A: B.D recommends identifying partners who align with one's client base and possess similar traits and values.

Q: What does B.D mention about joining paid communities and masterminds? A: B.D expresses a positive opinion about paid communities and masterminds, highlighting the benefits of accessing a better network.

Q: How does B.D suggest implementing the concept of masterminding within an organisation? A: B.D discusses the challenges of internal masterminding within a company and suggests having different directors in different mastermind groups for diverse ideas.

Q: What does B.D mention about his podcast and how it has expanded his journey? A: B.D shares that he has a podcast called "Grow, Sell, and Retire" where he has interviewed knowledgeable and helpful people, expanding his journey.

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About the author, Cristian Fontanelli

I left a well-paid managerial job in the busy city of London to be a present dad. Building my lifestyle business to multiple six figures wasn't an easy ride. I am here to share my knowledge and support you on your journey. Everything on this website will help you grow your income super fast.