How To Replace Your Salary With Trading Even If You Have A Full-Time Job or A Newborn

Mark Owen, the Managing Director of Trade and Train, an expert in price action trading has helped thousands of traders generate income super fast.

Generating Extra Income through Trading: Insights and Tips from Mark Owen

Are you tired of the traditional 9 to 5 routine and want to explore alternative ways of earning a living? Have you ever considered trading to replace your salary but don’t know where to start? With the proper guidance and approach, you can learn how to trade successfully and achieve financial success, even if you have a full-time job or a newborn to care for. Don’t let your circumstances keep you from reaching your financial goals. Let’s explore the possibilities of trading with Mark Owen the managing director of Trade and Train.

Mark’s Journey into Trading

Mark’s journey into trading started around 11-12 years ago in 2009 when he began trading forex and attended his first seminar. He had previously worked at a car retail site but was dissatisfied with his job and desired more financial success. It was during this time that an elderly neighbor introduced him to trading oil and gas stocks, which sparked his interest in penny shares.

However, like many beginners, Mark faced challenges and made some costly mistakes. He shared a personal story about losing a significant amount of money in a share account due to a lack of knowledge about risk management and banking. Despite this setback, Mark’s interest in trading grew, and he decided to attend a forex trading seminar to learn more.

The Importance of Risk Management and Discipline

One of the key takeaways from Mark’s journey into trading is the importance of risk management and discipline. He emphasizes the need for a strategic approach and understanding price action trading. Mark explains that a chart in trading is made up of candles or bars, which provide four pieces of information: opening price, closing price, high price, and low price. Analyzing price movements within a given period can help identify potential trading opportunities.

Mark also highlights the benefits of having a mentor and being part of a trading community. He compares trading to sports, where even the best athletes have coaches to guide them. Having a mentor can provide valuable insights and help traders stay disciplined and focused on their goals.

Tips for Generating Extra Income through Trading

For individuals with limited time looking to generate extra income through trading, Mark provides some valuable tips based on his own experience. He suggests starting with a smaller amount of money and focusing on the trading process rather than solely chasing profits. Mark advises against risking too much and instead recommends gradually scaling up once a profitable path is found.

He also emphasizes the importance of risk management and having a trading plan that aligns with one’s current lifestyle. For full-time parents or employees, Mark suggests finding trading strategies that can be adapted to fit their schedules. He mentions the flexibility that new parents may have in terms of knowing their child’s schedule and trading during different time periods.

The Psychological Challenges of Trading

Mark acknowledges that trading comes with its fair share of psychological challenges. He warns against being lured in by flashy displays of wealth on social media and emphasizes the need to treat trading as a business. Mark explains that trading is not about getting rich quick but rather following a disciplined process and managing risk effectively.

He also discusses the importance of controlling emotions and making rational decisions when trading. Mark compares trading to boxing, where you will not always be right and will have to endure setbacks. He advises traders to accept losses and move forward, focusing on the long-term success rather than dwelling on individual trades.

The Role of Technology in Trading

Technology plays a significant role in trading and can be leveraged to generate extra income. Mark explains how trading platforms and algorithms can be used to execute trades and take advantage of small fluctuations in the market. However, he also warns about the risks associated with relying too heavily on technology and the importance of understanding how to manage it effectively.

The Power of Education and Community

Mark emphasizes the importance of education and finding the right mentor or coach. He suggests exploring different avenues, such as attending seminars or watching educational videos, to find someone who resonates with your trading style and can provide valuable insights. Mark also highlights the benefits of being part of a trading community, where members can support and challenge each other to improve their trading performance.


Generating extra income through trading is an achievable goal with the right knowledge, discipline, and risk management strategies. Mark Owen’s journey into trading serves as an inspiration and provides valuable insights for beginners. By following a strategic approach, understanding price action trading, and being part of a trading community, individuals can increase their chances of success in the trading world.

Remember, trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather a disciplined process that requires continuous learning and adaptation. By starting with a smaller amount of money, focusing on the trading process, and gradually scaling up, individuals can generate extra income and achieve their financial goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about Mark Owen and his trading strategies, you can find him on his website and social media handles on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Remember to always do your research and seek reputable sources when it comes to trading education and mentorship.

Episode Quick Q&A

Q: What are some common mistakes people make when starting out in trading?
People often get involved in trading for the wrong reasons and get burnt. They also tend to be lured in by flashy displays of wealth on social media.

Q: How can someone recover from a significant loss in trading?
It is important to accept the loss, learn from it, and move forward. Focus on risk management and gradually scale up your trading activities.

Q: What challenges do individuals with limited time face when trying to generate extra income through trading?
Limited time can make it challenging to trade actively. It is important to find a trading system and plan that accommodates one’s current lifestyle.

Q: What is the importance of having disposable income when trading?
Having disposable income ensures that trading does not interfere with immediate survival needs. It also allows for a more strategic and disciplined approach to trading.

Q: What are some benefits of being part of a trading community?
Being part of a trading community provides support, accountability, and the opportunity to learn from experienced traders. It also helps to reduce the feeling of isolation.

Q: What is the significance of understanding risk management in trading?
Understanding risk management is crucial in order to stay in the game and make money. It helps you control losses and protect capital.

Q: How can one generate extra income through trading with limited time?
By focusing on passive income strategies like earning dividends from stocks and leveraging technology, even individuals with limited time can generate extra income through trading.

Q: What is the importance of having a mentor in trading?
Having a mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their experience. They can help traders improve their performance and avoid common pitfalls.

Q: How can one approach trading in a disciplined manner?
It is important to follow a set of rules, have a strategic approach, and treat trading as a business. Emphasising the trading process rather than solely focusing on the end result is also key.

Q: What is the significance of risk management in trading?
Risk management helps to control losses and protect capital. It ensures that traders do not risk too much and can stay in the game long-term.

Q: How can one start trading with a smaller amount of money?
A: Starting with a smaller amount of money allows traders to make cost-effective mistakes and prove consistency before scaling up. It is essential to focus on the trading process rather than immediately chasing large sums of money.

Q: What is the importance of discipline and following a trading plan?
Discipline and following a trading plan helps to eliminate impulsive and irrational decisions. It ensures that traders stick to their strategies and increase the likelihood of success.

Q: How can I find a suitable trading coach or mentor?
It is important to explore different avenues, attend seminars, and watch educational videos to find a coach or mentor who resonates with your learning style and goals.

Q: What are some common challenges people face when starting out in trading?
Psychology, underfunding, lack of education, and time constraints are some common challenges people face when starting out in trading.

Q: What role does technology play in generating extra income through trading?
Technology can be leveraged to execute trades, analyse market trends, and make informed trading decisions. It simplifies the trading process and provides opportunities for additional income.

Q: How can one protect themselves from scammers in the trading industry?
It is important to check regulations, look for regulated platforms, and verify the credibility of individuals or businesses before investing. Face-to-face interactions, even through video conferencing, can help in avoiding scammers.

Q: What are some potential risks in trading?
Market conditions, black swan events, and manipulation are some potential risks in trading. It is important to be aware of these risks and have strategies to manage them.

Q: What is the importance of understanding market manipulation in trading?
Understanding market manipulation helps traders avoid making excuses for losses and stay focused on their strategies. It also helps to separate personal emotions from trading outcomes.

Q: How can one approach trading with a strategic mindset?
Approaching trading with a strategic mindset involves following a set of rules, focusing on risk management, and treating trading as a business. It also includes finding enjoyment in the overall success at the end of a specific period.

Q: How can one cope with the emotional challenges of trading?
Engaging in activities like fitness and maintaining a healthy body and mind can help traders cope with the stress and emotional challenges of trading. Having a support system and mentors also play a significant role.

Q: What are some tips for earning extra income through trading?
Start with a smaller amount of money, focus on the trading process rather than the end result, and gradually scale up. It is also important to have a disciplined approach and follow a set of rules.

Q: What is the importance of risk management in trading?
Risk management helps to control losses and protect capital. It ensures that traders do not risk too much and can stay in the game in the long run.

Q: How can one approach trading with a strategic mindset?
Approaching trading with a strategic mindset involves following a set of rules, focusing on risk management, and treating trading as a business. It also includes finding enjoyment in the overall success at the end of a specific period.

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About the author, Cristian Fontanelli

I left a well-paid managerial job in the busy city of London to be a present dad. Building my lifestyle business to multiple six figures wasn't an easy ride. I am here to share my knowledge and support you on your journey. Everything on this website will help you grow your income super fast.