Empowering Entrepreneurs: Natasha Zo’s Ethical Media Strategies

PR expert Natasha Zo promotes ethical media and supports conscious entrepreneurs. She offers strategies for leveraging media placements to engage existing audiences.


Natasha's career began with a passion for journalism, leading her to work full-time in the industry from a young age. However, disillusionment with the industry's practices led her on a path of soul searching, culminating in her passion for communication, which she found at Mindvalley. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery and the importance of aligning one's career with personal values and passions.

The Dark Side of Media

One of the most compelling topics Natasha discussed was the dark side of the media industry. She challenged the notion of media as a public service, sharing personal experiences of unethical practices such as paid publications and staged photos. Natasha's insights into the agenda theory in communication were particularly enlightening, emphasizing the prevalence of biases and agendas in media outlets. Her discussion serves as a reminder for viewers to be critical and aware of these influences.

Evolution of the Communication Industry

Natasha's observations on the evolution of the communication industry, from pamphlets to social media platforms like TikTok, reflect the rapid changes in how information is disseminated and consumed. She expressed a preference for working with conscious entrepreneurs focused on spreading positive messages, highlighting the shift towards more authentic and impactful communication strategies.

Vanity Games and the Importance of Authenticity

The introduction of Natasha's Instagram series, Vanity Games, addresses the crucial issue of self-doubt in the face of perceived authority. This initiative underscores the importance of authenticity and self-belief in an era where authority is often manufactured and bought.

Rethinking Media Strategy

Natasha critiqued the focus on profit over quality content in publications, advocating for organic content that truly meets the audience's needs. Her advice on leveraging media placements to increase credibility rather than just audience size offers a strategic approach to PR that prioritizes long-term engagement and conversion.

Levels of Visibility in PR

Discussing the different levels of visibility in PR, Natasha provided a roadmap for individuals and businesses to understand their current standing and how to progress. From the value of word-of-mouth marketing at the non-visible expert level to the significance of traditional media and authority placements at higher levels of recognition, her advice was both practical and inspiring.

Collaboration and Regularity in PR

Natasha emphasized the importance of collaboration on platforms like Instagram and the effectiveness of regular content creation in maintaining visibility and engagement. She also highlighted the benefits of community PR, such as podcast tours, for building credibility and reach.

Leveraging PR for Growth

Towards the end of the conversation, Natasha shared actionable strategies for leveraging PR, including the creation of listicle articles for SEO, utilizing platforms like Matchmaker.fm for guest speaking opportunities, and the significance of intent and a pull mechanism in attracting an audience.


Natasha Zhou's insights into the media and PR industries provide a compelling roadmap for anyone looking to navigate these complex fields with integrity and effectiveness. Her journey from journalism to PR, coupled with her strategic advice on leveraging media for positive impact, offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs, content creators, and anyone interested in the power of communication. Natasha's approach, emphasizing authenticity, strategic visibility, and collaboration, reflects a deep understanding of the current media landscape and its potential for fostering genuine connections and positive change.


Q: What does Natasha Zhou offer to Authors, Wellness Coaches, and Influencers? Media exposure and PR services.

Q: What is the "agenda theory" in communication? It refers to the idea that media outlets have biases and agendas in the way they select and present topics.

Q: How does Natasha Zhou feel about the practice of including famous individuals in marketing campaigns? She expresses frustration with it, as it can make individuals doubt their own potential for success.

Q: What is the cost range for paid media placements mentioned by Natasha Zhou? It ranges from $500 to $5000.

Q: How can media placements be leveraged to increase credibility and conversions? By integrating them into advertisements and showcasing them on social media pages.

Q: What is the importance of creating regular content in PR? It helps build a funnel and maintain a constant presence in people's minds.

Q: What are the different levels of visibility in PR mentioned by Natasha Zhou? Non-visible expert, online visibility, beyond one's own audience, well-known, and celebrity status. 13.

Q: How can collaborations, such as podcasts and content creation, help increase audience engagement? They provide credibility and reach new audiences.

Q: How can PR be leveraged before approaching traditional media? By creating content, getting on podcasts, and going on a tour.

Q: What is the importance of building relationships and mutually benefiting each other's audiences? It helps expand beyond one's own niche and gain recognition in the industry.

Q: How can a podcast be effectively grown? By creating listicle articles that rank well in Google search results.

Q: What is the importance of domain authority in PR? It helps with discoverability and Google algorithms.

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About the author, Cristian Fontanelli

I left a well-paid managerial job in the busy city of London to be a present dad. Building my lifestyle business to multiple six figures wasn't an easy ride. I am here to share my knowledge and support you on your journey. Everything on this website will help you grow your income super fast.