The Essential Tools for Building Websites and Boosting SEO – Luke Van Der Veer

In the ever-evolving digital world, finding the right set of tools can be the difference between struggle and success. Luke Van Der Veer, an entrepreneur who has navigated the complexities of online business, shares his go-to toolkit for anyone starting out or wanting to explore the digital space.

Luke Van Der Veer's Toolkit for Digital Success

Luke emphasises the importance of having a functional website, the cornerstone of any online business. For those without coding skills, drag-and-drop builders like Weebly, Wix, or Elementor for WordPress are lifesavers. "I personally don't know how to do code... I just outsource it," Luke admits, highlighting that the goal is to get your website up and running smoothly without getting bogged down by technicalities.

When it comes to handling business calls, Luke stresses the need for call tracking software. This tool ensures that calls are forwarded to the business, not to your personal phone, allowing for better management and the ability to record conversations for quality assurance. "I don't want my phone blowing up," Luke says, pointing out the necessity of directing customer calls efficiently.

For Luke, accurate rank tracking software is key. He recommends Nightwatch for its precision, a tool that helps monitor your website's performance in search engine rankings. Knowing where you stand is crucial for making informed decisions on how to improve your visibility online.

Luke is a fan of Ahrefs, Majestic, and SEMrush, considering them indispensable for tracking progress in link building and rankings. Each tool offers unique insights, whether you're looking at trust flow, domain authority, or domain rating. "I've always kind of tested both and used ones I use different strategies to try to find the fastest way to go," he explains, advocating for a flexible approach to SEO that involves constant testing and adaptation.

For Luke Van Der Veer, success in the digital realm isn't about mastering every technical detail but about knowing which tools can help you achieve your goals. Whether it's building a website, managing calls, or tracking your online growth, the right toolkit can pave the way for a smoother journey to digital success.

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About the author, Cristian Fontanelli

I left a well-paid managerial job in the busy city of London to be a present dad. Building my lifestyle business to multiple six figures wasn't an easy ride. I am here to share my knowledge and support you on your journey. Everything on this website will help you grow your income super fast.